Wrist Metabolism Monitor

Wrist Metabolism Monitor

image of couple running.

If you are a gadget junkie, a professional athlete or just like to have the most advanced new technology, you'll want the Suunto t6. It is a wristwatch that calculates your heart rate, energy consumption, ventilation, oxygen consumption (VO2), respiratory rate, Training Effect and EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption). You can then wirelessly upload your data to your computer to track your progress. They even have programs that will correlate your data with sport specific training programs. They have programs for novices through professional athletes. You have to check this out, it's cutting edge technology that can help you get better results, faster.

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Harwood Chiropractic & Massage Centre


676 Monarch Ave Unit 7,
Ajax, ON L1S 4S2

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