All patients, visitors and staff will have their temperature taken upon entry to the clinic using a touchless thermal scanner. Any patient with a fever cannot come to the clinic for a minimum of 14 days and until their fever subsides.

Harwood Chiropractic and Massage Centre is committed to ensuring the highest standards of safety at all times, but even more so during COVID-19. Below is an in-depth list of the various levels of precautions we are taking at this time.


All patients, visitors and staff must answer NO to ALL of the following questions to be

allowed into the clinic:

  1. Do you have a fever, cough or any flu/cold-like symptoms or generally feeling unwell?
  2. Have you travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days?
  3. Is there any chance you’ve been in contact with someone with COVID-19 or any flu/cold like symptoms?
  4. Has anyone in your household or you’ve had close contact with travelled anywhere outside of Canada in the last 14 days?

If YES is answered to any of the above questions, that individual cannot come to the clinic 


  1. No walk-in patients are to be accepted at this time. New patients need to call the clinic and be screened appropriately.
  2. Appointments for EXISTING patients will be booked but must follow a telephone screen and the COVID-19 SCREENING QUESTIONS emailed 2 hours prior to our appointment. If you fail to fill out the screening you must fill one out at the office.

3.Patients will be directed to wait outside the main door until the time of their scheduled appointments or if not possible you will be moved into a treatment you to allow for a 2 m distance between individuals/clients.

4.Patients have been instructed to come alone to appointments. Exceptions will be made for those under the age of 18, or those with cognitive or physical limitations.

5.  Non Cash form of payments at the clinic are preferred whenever possible  or a pay bill can be emailed to you 

6.Front desk staff will remain in the front office, with a sneeze guard and PPE for further protection.

7.Practitioners and staff will use hand washing and hand hygiene practices

8.Practitioners will have available to them gloves and surgical masks to be used at their discretion. Gloves will be discarded after one patient use. Proper mask hygiene will be used.


  1. Practitioners will thoroughly wash or sanitize their hands immediately after each patient visit.
  2. Practitioner will immediately clean any area used with the patient with disinfected wipes or sprays. This includes any equipment, treatment tables, chairs, door handles and any other item used.
  3. Practitioners will thoroughly wash or sanitize their hands AGAIN


  1. Deep clean all other areas of the clinic that are “traffic areas”. This includes reception desk, washrooms and other clinic areas.
  2. End of day deep clean over and above COVID-19 protocol of treatment area used throughout the shift.
  3. Cleaning is to be done with disinfectant wipes and/or sprays.


  1. Patients are to wait outside the clinic and will be allowed access only during their scheduled appointment times.
  2. Patients only will be allowed access to the clinic. If someone has accompanied them, they will need to wait outside of the clinic. Exceptions will be made for those under the age of 18 or those with cognitive or physical limitations.
  3. Patients should limit the number of items brought into the clinic to bare minimums.
  4. Patients will be screened over the phone and must answer NO to all COVID-19 screening questions. They will also be required to have their temperature taken and the number reading must be below a diagnosed fever.
  5. Patients will be required to use hand sanitizer on all areas of hands and wrist before being moved to their treatment area.
  6. Patients are encouraged to wear their own masks. If they do not have access to a mask, one will be provided.
  7. Patients should avoid touching their faces during their appointments.
  8. If patients need to cough or sneeze at any point, they are to advise the practitioner as soon as possible and direct it into a tissue or their sleeve at the elbow. They will then be required to sanitize again.
  9. Unless it is an emergency, we ask patients not to use our washroom facilities.
It is safe for patients to attend their appointments and to receive care at our clinic. We will continue to follow Public Health for updates and prevention information. We would like to take this time to thank all patients and staff in advance, for the following of these strict but necessary protocols in the clinic at all times until further notice.

Our Location

Harwood Chiropractic & Massage Centre


676 Monarch Ave Unit 7,
Ajax, ON L1S 4S2

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you


Please do not submit any Protected Health Information (PHI).